Mergers & Acquisition Advisory

Post-Merger Integration & Divestiture

M&A Advisory

What is Post-Merger Integration & Divestiture?

Organisations continue to reshape their business, raise capital, and drive competitive advantage – we see a combination of defensive and offensive Mergers and Acquisition (M&A), separation and divestiture strategies as organisations strive to drive transformation.

Post-merger integrations need to integrate the strengths of both organisations, aligning people and culture, data, technology and operations to create and capture value from day one. Divestitures need to be carefully planned to minimise risk and ensure a successful transition.

We help you to design, plan and execute this critical phase of M&A to deliver long-term strategic success.

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The challenges

People and culture are at the heart of achieving successful M&A change:

  • Strategy - How do we develop a comprehensive strategy and operating model tailored to our unique business needs?

  • Culture – How do we assess cultural differences, identifying common values, and crafting strategies to foster collaboration and a high-performing culture that will drive the new strategic roadmap?

  • Value – How do we unlock synergies that arise from the activity, capturing cost savings, revenue enhancements, and operational efficiencies?

  • Change Management – What is the business impacts of the change and how do we equip our leaders with the tools they need to lead their teams through the transition, minimising resistance, and maximising adoption?

How to solve it

A robust due diligence exercise should always be the first step to ensure a full understanding of the risks and opportunities.

  • Post-merger integrations: We work closely with you to identify value creation opportunities across the operations (including people and culture, data, technology, and operations). We quantify value creation opportunities, develop implementation plans and provide ‘hands-on’ support.

  • Separation and divestiture: We help you to design and establish the separation plan, governance structure, and work with you to prepare an operational handbook and the day one solutions (including transitional services), as well as the full standalone model and related separation cost impact.

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The benefits of our services

We have done this before, and you are in safe hands. The DCR team members have partnered with business leaders and private equity to design, plan and successfully execute M&A activity.

We bring a senior led approach and deep subject matter expertise in key areas you will need during the change such as strategy and operating model, design, and architecture, change management, technology and data, cyber and operational resilience.

M&A activity is expected to continue, and we therefore focus on building your own internal capability, ensuring knowledge and skills transfer with your own team.

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Explore services

Due diligence

Cyber, IT & Technology Due Diligence

Evaluating the technological infrastructure, cyber security posture, and potential risks of target companies to ensure informed investment decisions and secure integrations.
Ops Res-3

Operational Resilience

Operational Resilience services focus on enhancing organisational preparedness and adaptability to withstand disruptions, ensuring continuous operation of critical functions through robust planning, risk management, and response strategies.
Change delivery support

Change Delivery Support

Facilitating the successful implementation of organisational changes through expert project management, stakeholder engagement, and process optimisation.

Get in touch and find out more about how we can help

Our friendly, knowledgeable and approachable staff are available to offer support and advice on your cyber, tech, data, change and operations needs.